Monetization YouTube 2022 - EXPLAINED IN one article!

MonetizationYouTube 2022 - EXPLAINED IN one article!

So, when you first launched your YouTube channel, your first priority was to make money, right? Put adverts on your videos and be paid to join the YouTube Partner Program.

Well, there's a lot you need to know and do before you get there, so let me walk you through it all in only five minutes.

YouTube monetization requirements

Let's about the requirements first. You need to reside in one of the following Countries.

If you don't, you won't be able to sign up.

audience requirements

In terms of audience requirements, you need 1,000 subscribers on your channel,4,000 watch time hours on your videos There are no time limits or deadlines; take as much time as you need. Your videos must also have 4,000 viewing time hours, but only watch time from the last 12 months counts.

Whatever the current date is, everything that has been seen on your channel in the past 365 days counts, as long as it is public.

So whatever you unlist, make private, or remove doesn't count towards your watch time. Furthermore, if your live broadcasts are too lengthy, YouTube will not be able to archive them, and this will not be counted as viewing time.

set up two-factor authentication

You will also need to set up two-factor authentication on your account to protect your YouTube channel.

community guideline strikes

You must confirm that your channel has no active community guideline strikes; if you have, you must wait until they expire.

You must also adhere to specific YouTube monetization Policies, which are often modified, so be sure you are aware of them.

Good luck with your monetization efforts. If you don't know what I'm talking about, YouTube rules are based on common sense.

So, if you suspect your work is suspect when creating it, it most likely is, and you should not post it.

Finally, since you are attempting to establish a commercial partnership, all of these regulations and norms are critical.

YouTube monetization and copyright

You don't wanna screw this up because you were too lazy to get informed.

As for copyright issues, well, copyright strikes won't affect your ability

to apply for monetization.

However, it's probably best to avoid both copyright claims and copyright strikes. The more you have the less original content you technically have on your channel, at least in the eyes of YouTube and that could reduce the chances of you being allowed into the monetization program.

And finally, when it comes to requirements for channels that specifically make content for kids, they can monetize but they are treated differently.

Again, check YouTube support pages for the latest updates. YouTube does have a high monetization page in the YouTube studio if you need to check on the progress of any of these requirements.

You can even ask YouTube to email you when you meet all of the requirements and can apply. 

YouTube Shorts monetization

And now, albeit very briefly let's talk about YouTube Shorts because somebody's got to.Any subscribers earned from your YouTube Shorts, do count towards your 1,000 goals. However, no watch time from any of your YouTube Shorts counts toward 4,000 hours.

The good news is, instead of all of that, YouTube may give you a bonus payout if you earn enough views through YouTube Shorts.

For example, it might be $100 for 1 million views, If that happens,YouTube will contact you directly, And you don't already need to have your channel monetized.

If you live in one of these countries, you are eligible, It should be noted over this YouTube Short Bonus Creative Fund is due to expire at the end of 2022.

We don't know what YouTube plans to do next with Shorts in terms of monetization, but we'll definitely let you know.

Now, before you monetize your channel, you may start to see ads appearing on your videos.

Now, this kind of sucks because YouTube has the right to monetize your content before you are in the monetization program so you won own any revenue from it.

However, think of this as a good sign for your content. If YouTube is putting ads on your videos at such an early stage, they already have a lot of trust and confidence in your content,And once you are monetized, you can turn off ads completely on your videos.

YouTube monetization application process

Okay, let's say you meet all of the requirements. What happens next?

You apply for the YouTube Partner Program,The monetization screen will change into an application steps that looks :

Step 1: Review Partner Program terms

Those include agreeing to all of the terms of service for monetization.

Step 2: Sign up for Google AdSense

creating and or connecting a Google AdSense account to your YouTube account,It's important to set all of this correctly for tax purposes, by the way.

Step 3: Get reviewed

then waiting for YouTube to review your channel.

YouTube's official line is that the review process typically takes a month to complete.

But I often see channels being accepted into the YouTube partner program 48 to 72 hours after they apply.

If you are rejected On Youtube?

If you are rejected, YouTube will vaguely tell you why and give you 30 days to resolve the problems before you can apply again.

But if all is good, you'll receive an email , and you can start monetizing your videos.

You'll be able to set monetization at a channel level as well as tweak settings for individual videos.

But you may also need to complete this ad suitability screen when you turn monetization on.

The more you do this in the early stages, the more trust you will build with YouTube's automated safety checks,When you do monetize there are a few additional perks you get.

So those include YouTube online support where you can actually talk to human beings.

You also get access to the copyright matching tool to protect your content.

And you may also unlock additional monetization features such as:

  •  super chats 
  •  super stickies for live streams.

Earning money from YouTube directly is just the tip of the iceberg,Because there are YouTube channels out there with less than a thousand subscribers that are earning over $10,000 a month.

And if you wanna learn more about how to do that for your channel, read other articles about Youtube on the Blog :).

Getting Info...

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